Aikido in Madrid aid of Cudeca Hospice

Aikido in Madrid aid of Cudeca Hospice

Aikido in Madrid aid of Cudeca Hospice

On the 6th of November, different Aikido clubs in Madrid held a charity class in memory to their student, Francisco Javier Cárcamo, who recently died of cancer.

For 2 hours, his former Aikido masters gave a charity class at the Paracuellos del Jarama Sports Centre with the aim of paying tribute to their student and donating all the funds raised from the class to the Cudeca Hospice, which cares for and accompanies people with cancer and other advanced illnesses completely free of charge and offers support to their families.

The clubs involved were Club Aikido Kamikwai, Club Aikido Paracuellos, Aikido Pinto y la Asociación Aikido Aikikan.

Cudeca Hospice would like to thank the Aikido clubs for their solidarity in helping us to raise funds to continue caring, completely free of charge, for people with cancer and other advanced illnesses.