We want to continue CARING

News 08 Jul 2015

We want to continue CARING


Joan Hunt 
Founder and Honorary President




   July 2015

Dear friend,

As the years pass so do anniversaries of important events arrive. This year 2015, we celebrate 10 years of offering our “special kind of caring” to patients in the In-Patient Unit, as always free of cost.

It was in August 2005 that we admitted our first patient. Construction and furnishing had been completed; our nine rooms were ready for occupation.

This did not happen overnight. During the previous year we elaborated our working procedures; the medical staff, doctors ,nurses, physiotherapist, psychologist, and social worker had been recruited and trained in Palliative Care and team working, and we ran a campaign asking the public to sponsor the furniture and other items that we would need.

The response to our “we need list” was magic!. We received donations to cover all our needs: beds, tables, chairs, armchairs, bathroom fittings, terrace furniture, medical equipment, as well as uniforms, bed linen, curtains, and towels.

Designing the children’s playroom followed, filling it up with toys and games; the small chapel was designed with four special cut glass individually designed windows, each depicting a season of the year – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, as a tribute to the cycle of life.

And last our beautiful garden was designed and made ready for grass, trees and many colorful flowers. It has developed into one of the most peaceful and visited places of the hospice with the terrace of each bedroom leading to this area, with the gentle sound of the small water fountain in the fish pond.

For those of us who could see and feel our vision becoming reality, they were unforgettable days.

Whenever I can I like to welcome the patients and families; it touches me and it fills me with admiration to see the love and dedication that the families give to their loved ones, supported by our professional team and volunteers, until the time comes to say goodbye. The In-Patient Unit is a very special place where one can sense anxiety and sadness, but at the same time one can feel much more love, compassion and peace.

In Cudeca we have passed many milestones, but certainly the opening of our Inpatient Unit was one of the most exciting. We are proud of our achievement all of which was made possible with the tremendous support and commitment we receive from the community.

From 1992 we have cared for more than 9.000 patients with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses, and their families, the majority at home. Since the opening of the In-patient Unit, 1.513 patients who couldn’t stay at home due to their complicated situation, have been cared for, together with the families in this Unit.

After 10 years of use most of the furnishings and equipment now need replacing, and we are reestablishing a new “we need list” which you can consult on our web page: www.cudeca.org

Please help. We need your donations to keep up our standards as well as enable us to continue to offer our care in a tranquil area that maintains dignity and compassion until the end.

Thank you. 

Joan Hunt

Founder and Honorary President



1.  You can make a donation by:

  • Credit card to www.cudeca.org/iniciativas-solidarias/CONTINUE-CARING


  • Bank transfer to account number : ES1421007681322200074742 specifying in the concept "CONTINUE CARING"


  • Sending a Check to Cudeca Hospice, Avda. del Cosmos, s/n., 29631, Benalmádena, Málaga.


2. Another way is to become a member by direct debit through your bank for the amount you decide via:

  • our web page www.cudeca.org


  • our telephone 952 564 910 from 9am to 6pm. 




  • You can also help us by sending this message on to others. There are thousands of families throughout the Málaga province that have suffered the effects of cancer; many of them know us and appreciate our care, but there are others who do not. If you know anyone who may help us, please pass this request for help on to them.


  • Most of our friends and benefactors have made a visit to the Cudeca Hospice and the In-patient Unit. If you have not visited it yet, not hesitate to contact us by telephone 952 564 910 and we will organize a tou.