Shops to care

News 16 Mar 2023

Shops to care

Shops to care

Buy or donate. Our charity shops are one of our main sources of funding: all proceeds go to the care and assistance of our patients and their families.

When donating or buying, you are also taking part in the process of caring. This income enables the medical teams to continue their care to patients, completely free of charge.

Our charity shops work thanks to the volunteers who help us to manage them and to the donations that we receive from the community. Without this help we would not achieve our goal: to recycle and sell to be able to give care.

Nuestras tiendas benéficas funcionan gracias a los voluntarios que nos ayudan a gestionarlas y a las donaciones que de manera solidaria recibimos de la comunidad, pero sin clientes no conseguiríamos nuestro objetivo: reciclar y vender para cuidar.


If you have clothes that you no longer use, books that you no longer read, household things that you want to change, as long as they are in good condition, donate them to our charity stores.

If you have furniture to donate that is in good condition, you can request our free collection service. Call us at 670 211 028 or send an email to

Recycle with us to provide care.

Recicla con nosotros para cuidar.


In our stores you can find almost everything, and at very good prices; clothes, accessories, furniture, kitchenware, tools, books ... everything is second hand, but in very good condition. Find the nearest Cudeca charity shop here.

Buy and you'll be providing care.

Help as a Shop Volunteer

You will be responsible for receiving donations, classifying and labelling, attending to customers as well as informing them about Cudeca´s free care.

To be a volunteer only two things are required: to have time (we ask you for one morning or one afternoon a week), and so much enthusiasm!

You can convert your collaboration into providing care.

Tu colaboración la convertimos en cuidados.