Councellor of Participación Cuidadana from Benalmadena Townhall visited Cudeca Hospice

News 24 Jan 2014

Councellor of Participación Cuidadana from Benalmadena Townhall visited Cudeca Hospice

On 24th January, Ana Macías, Councellor of Participación Cuidadana from Benalmadena Townhall, visited Cudeca Hospice to reinforce our volunteer´s requirement for the Day Care Centre and Transporting Patients.
The aim of the Day Care Centre at Cudeca Hospice is to improve the quality of life of patients who come to the Hospice. For that reason we offer a wide range of activities that are carried out in a relaxed and non-clinical environment. While attending the Day Care Centre, patients will have the opportunity to benefit from these therapies, thus providing respite for families to engage in other activities.

Cudeca Hospice urgently needs volunteers to join the Day Care Centre and Transporting Patients programme. The activities are conducted in the mornings from 10:00 to 13:00 hours.

Volunteers will receive specific training to prepare and help them in the care work they will be carrying out. This will cover different aspects of palliative care, as well as guidance towards communication and mobilization of patients.

If you would like to help people who need Cudeca’s Special Kind of Caring, please contact the volunteers’ department on tel: 952 56 49 10 or email