Presentation of the campaign “How does the end of life sound?”
We have presented on Wednesday December 12 in the Auditorium of the Picasso Museum in Malaga our new campaign "How does the End of Life sound?".
The journalist and ambassador of CUDECA, Domi del Postigo, opened the event inviting the president and the manager-medical director of CUDECA, Ricardo Urdiales and Marisa Martín, respectively, to take the stage. Marisa Martín thanked the attendees for their support, as well as the presence of El Cuartel, Modular and Paloma Peñarrubia, creators of the video "How the end of life sounds".
Next, they showed a video with the testimony of the founder of CUDECA, Joan Hunt OBE, who highlighted that "Paloma's composition reveals in an extraordinary way the invisible essence of CUDECA's" special way of caring ".
Before showing the video of the campaign, Paloma Peñarrubia, composer of CUDECA video music, took the stage to explain the production of the music and commented that "to tell something so complicated, but at the same time as important and as beautiful as it is the work of CUDECA through music, for me it was a great challenge ".
After the screening of the video, Domi del Postigo invited Javier Banderas, Fundación Lágrimas y Favores; Laura Insausti, singer of Dry Martina; Esther Ráez, sister of Pablo Ráez; and Paloma Peñarrubia to take the stage. The talk entitled "There is music in silence" started with the aim of talking about their own experiences of illness and the end of life.
Javier Banderas began the talk explaining his experience when he was diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm and admitted to a hospital in the US; He added that he preferred to face the disease only at the beginning so as not to worry his family.
Laura Insausti recalled how hard the last stage of her mother's life was and explained that "now I would have reacted differently to my mother's illness, I would have given her my love in another way, with more laughter instead of with my worry for him to eat. "
Esther Ráez thanked the work of CUDECA because "my brother was taken care of by a home care team of the foundation; and each visit was a relief for Pablo "and added that" I feel a great admiration for all that my brother has achieved ".
All the speakers agreed on the difficulty of facing such a situation; of the importance of having care like those of the Cudeca Hospice; and to teach society that the end of life is part of life. At the end of the ceremony, several volunteers from the Foundation took the stage to give the speakers sunflower bouquets and a personalized mug with the campaign's motto. The new campaign "How it sounds the end of life" of the Cudeca Foundation aims to raise awareness in society about the importance of palliative care and get partners to help Cudeca to continue caring at the end of life. This campaign shows the special way of taking care of the Cudeca Foundation through the eyes of the Malaga composer Paloma Peñarrubia. In the words of the Manager and Medical Director of CUDECA, Marisa Martín, "There is something special in everything we do, in all of us who are part of Cudeca: doctors, psychologists, nurses, social workers, physiotherapists, volunteers, collaborators, partners, patients, relatives ... Something intimate and difficult for us to describe only with words. That's why we've looked for a special way to tell you. "
In the act was present the Councilor of Equality of the City council of Malaga, Mar Towers; the technical director of the District 1 Municipality of Málaga, Paco Cantos; the Councilor of the PSOE, Rosa del Mar Rodriguez; and the President of the Physiotherapists Association, Juan Manuel Nieblas