Cudeca celebrates its Annual Results Presentation for 2011

News 08 Mar 2012

Cudeca celebrates its Annual Results Presentation for 2011

In celebration of its 20th anniversary, the Cudeca Hospice presented its annual financial results of 2011, together with details of their achievements in patient care.
The event was attended by many local business owners, bank managers and elected officials from the province of Malaga.
Attending the presentation were the President and Founder, Joan Hunt, the Chief Executive and Medical Director, Dr Marisa Martin Roselló, and her deputy and Financial Director Rafael Olalla. A summary of the history of Cudeca was presented, showing the financial situation for 2011 together with a report on the medical care given during the years.
The Cudeca Gold Pins were awarded this year to Fernando Gil and Ricardo Urdiales, in recognition for their involvement with the original creation of Cudeca Hospice in 1992 and their continued work on the Board of Trustees. The other Gold Pin was awarded to Joan Stock, who during the past years she has gained admiration and support from all the members for her great efforts in the organization of the annual La Cala Golf tournament in aid of Cudeca. The donations received from this yearly tournament in memory of her husband Peter Stock, and the Cudeca Cup from 1993 to 2011, has reached the grand total of 133,785 euros for the Hospice.
Joan Hunt, O.B.E took the opportunity to highlight some of the outstanding events in the 20 year history of Cudeca:
"The support received over the years and the donation of 5,000m2 of land from the Town Hall of Benalmádena, allowed us to build and open the Cudeca Hospice Centre. Todate more than 7,000 patients and their families have benefited from our Special Kind of Caring.
We are honoured and privileged to share the poignant and very intimate time that patients and their family experience towards the final days of their illness but more important we feel a deep satisfaction that our specialist skills and treatment enables us to help overcome their suffering and isolation during this period. Cudeca is a reality thanks to the support given by the local community. We continue to face challenges, and we know that the demand for our care will increase. We thank all those who have contributed in some way to this cause.”
Presenting the care achievements, the Medical Director, Dr. Marisa Martin pointed out:
"During 2011 we cared for 740 patients and their families, mostly in their homes, 170 in the In-Patient Unit and nearly 100 patients have benefited from a different kind of care approach offered in the Day Care Centre and Rehabilitation Unit, located at the Hospice Centre.
It has also been a year full of education and training courses, the most significant being the launch of the 1st Course in Palliative Care in Malaga in conjunction with the UMA (University of Málaga)."
On the financial situation of Cudeca, the Financial Director, Rafael Olalla, explained that:
"2011 has been a good year financially, mainly thanks to the unexpected income from legacies.
It is also important to point out the new agreement with the Hospital Costa del Sol to partially finance our In-Patient care, will be an important source of income for the future. Our goal in 2012 is for the income to equal our expenditure, a goal which will not be easy as the current financial crisis does affect our traditional source of funding.”
As of today we are commencing our 20th Anniversary Campaign, when we will celebrate 20 years of our Special Kind of Caring, and continue asking for support from the community via events, benefactors, donations and volunteers, which are all fundamental for Cudeca to fulfil its objectives.”
Everything achieved in the past years has been possible thanks to numerous companies, institutions and professionals from the media, who are committed to our project of offering specialised care to patients suffering from cancer and other life threatening illnesses and support to their families, totally free of charge.