Challenge C.E.I.P. Rafael Alberti in aid of Cudeca Hospice
The Rafael Alberti School in Malaga along with other schools and institutes of Ciudad Jardin have been doing a solidarity walk for Cudeca for years, this year due to the impossibility of doing it they have decided to join the Solidarity Schools Campaign that the Foundation is promoting among all schools and they are going to do a Solidarity Challenge. All will engage in physical activity of any kind to achieve this Challenge.
On the 28th of May all the students will participate with their solidarity bib and will raise funds for the Foundation. Any person from outside the school (parents, siblings, friends...) can also join in.
The instructions to collaborate and participate are as follows:
🏃🏽♂️1.Send your donation with a Bizum to the number 00206 (Write "ELALBERTICONCUDECA" in the subject of the Bizum).
🏃2. Send an email to with "I JOIN THE ALBERTI WITH CUDECA SOLIDARITY CHALLENGE" and you will receive your bib number.
🏃♀️3.Print the bib and take a photo of yourself doing any physical activity.
Upload the photo to your social networks mentioning @fundacioncudeca and tag with #elalberticoncudeca.
🚴5. Encourage your followers to participate.
We thank the school for their continued support and the effort that the teaching staff make every year to help us by taking time from wherever they can so that the students enjoy themselves and also feel the spirit of solidarity grow.
#elalberticoncudeca #retosolidario #cudeca #todossumamos #untealreto #solidaridad