Recognition of the Junta de Andalucia to Joan Hunt at the Andalusia Day Awards of Málaga

News 25 Feb 2015

Recognition of the Junta de Andalucia to Joan Hunt at the Andalusia Day Awards of Málaga

The Hon. President and Founder of Cudeca Hospice - Palliative Care Foundation, Joan Hunt OBE, has been one of those selected to receive the Málaga 2015 Dia de Andalucia Award.
The Junta de Andalucia recognize a few selected personalities and organizations for their social, sportive, educational and healthcare impact at the community.

In addition to Cudeca Hospice, the winners this year have been our trustee and leading oncologist  Dr. Emilio Alba;  film director Enrique García;  Faculty of Economics of  the University of Málaga, Eugenio Luque;  player of the national team´s handball player, Marta López;  School CEIP Bergamin,  Asprodisis Association;  painter Carlos Monserrate;  pianist Paula Coronas and Alejandra Catering Company.

The ceremony took place at the Telecommunications and Computer Engineering Building of the University of Malaga, and was headed by leading authorities as the Counsellor of Education, Culture and Sport of the Junta de Andalucia, Luciano Alonso; Counsellor of the Andalusian Government, José Luis Ruiz, and the Health Delegate of the Junta de Andalucía in Málaga, Daniel Perez, who presented the award to Joan Hunt, OBE with a very moving speech.