Reto "Energía de las Tiendas Benéficas de Cudeca"

80€ raised from the goal of 5.000€

3 donors

Hello! We are the Cudeca Charity Shops team and we are joining the Sunflower Movement: Energy to Add Life to Days to support 2 home care teams, including vehicles, for 2024.

We would love to get our friends and family to donate €10 to our team challenge, but everyone can donate as much as they want, and if you can also help us spread the word, all the better!

These funds go directly to Cudeca Hospice's bank account and all donations are eligible for a tax deduction of up to 80% (of the first €150), so please fill in all the fields and don't forget to include your NIF. For more information about tax deductions click here.

CAN YOU HELP US? THANK YOU!!! Together we can do it! 😊😊😊

Anónimo has donated 50€

224 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10€

255 days ago

Anónimo has donated 20€

255 days ago

Comments (2)

Anónimo has donated 50 €

224 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10 €

Un gran reto para ayudar a añadir vida a los días

255 days ago

Anónimo has donated 20 €

Gran labor👏🏻👏🏻

255 days ago

80 € raised from the goal of 5.000 €

3 donors

Anónimo has donated 50 €

224 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10 €

255 days ago

Anónimo has donated 20 €

255 days ago

Reto "Energía de las Tiendas Benéficas de Cudeca"

Hello! We are the Cudeca Charity Shops team and we are joining the Sunflower Movement: Energy to Add Life to Days to support 2 home care teams, including vehicles, for 2024.

We would love to get our friends and family to donate €10 to our team challenge, but everyone can donate as much as they want, and if you can also help us spread the word, all the better!

These funds go directly to Cudeca Hospice's bank account and all donations are eligible for a tax deduction of up to 80% (of the first €150), so please fill in all the fields and don't forget to include your NIF. For more information about tax deductions click here.

CAN YOU HELP US? THANK YOU!!! Together we can do it! 😊😊😊

This event collaborates with the campaign:

Comments (2)

Anónimo has donated 10 €

Un gran reto para ayudar a añadir vida a los días

255 days ago

Anónimo has donated 20 €

Gran labor👏🏻👏🏻

255 days ago


80 € raised from the goal of 5.000 €

3 donors

Anónimo has donated 50 €

224 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10 €

255 days ago

Anónimo has donated 20 €

255 days ago