CUDECA Walkathon Non-Attendance Donations

1.082€ raised from the goal of 5.000€

24 donors

This year we are once again holding our traditional "Cudeca Walkathon" on Saturday 3rd June on Benalmádena's promenade in front of the Sunset Beach Club Hotel.

This charity walk aims to raise funds for the care and support of people with cancer and other advanced illnesses, as well as offering support to their families.

As you know, our care is completely free of charge thanks to the support of the society through members, financial donations, donations or purchases in the charity shops; volunteering, etc.

You are unable to attend but would like to help
If you are unable to attend but would like to help us to continue caring at the end of life, please donate here.

Thank you very much!

Suzy has donated 20€

417 days ago

Hugo Investing is glad to be able to help a little has donated 50€

418 days ago

Trish Phelan has donated 30€

419 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10€

419 days ago

Philippa Norris-Jones has donated 20€

420 days ago

Comments (12)

Suzy has donated 20 €

417 days ago

Hugo Investing is glad to be able to help a little has donated 50 €

Hugo Investing is glad to be able to help a little

418 days ago

Trish Phelan has donated 30 €

Well done girl’s proud to be your friend..

419 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10 €

419 days ago

Philippa Norris-Jones has donated 20 €

420 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10 €

In support of our friends & in memory of their beloved Gigi

420 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10 €

420 days ago

Sue & Peter Joly has donated 50 €

En memoria de Gigi Castelle Joly

420 days ago

Gemmalaka has donated 50 €

Hacéis una labor increible.

420 days ago

Ruud has donated 50 €

420 days ago

Anónimo has donated 30 €

Gracias por la labor tan profesional y humana que hacéis

420 days ago

Xeperflo has donated 10 €

Sois geniales, dignificais la vida en todo su sentido.

421 days ago

Juno has donated 20 €

Siempre con CUDECA

421 days ago

Marta has donated 10 €

Ánimo a todos. La próxima estaré allí en persona espero.

421 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10 €

422 days ago

Anónimo has donated 20 €

423 days ago

Maucca#68 has donated 12 €

423 days ago

Dark Knight has donated 30 €

Seguid así. Sois el ejemplo de superación y motivación que toda persona en este mundo debería seguir. Enhorabuena por vuestro trabajo.

423 days ago

Anonimo has donated 20 €

433 days ago

Almalaqui has donated 50 €

Formáis un equipo maravilloso, donde ayudáis tanto a las personas enfermas como a sus familiares. Ánimo y que la Walkathon sea un éxito.

437 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10 €

439 days ago

BSOFF has donated 500 €

Mucho ánimo, es una labor magnífica

442 days ago

Anónimo has donated 50 €

443 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10 €

444 days ago

1.082 € raised from the goal of 5.000 €

24 donors

Suzy has donated 20 €

417 days ago

Hugo Investing is glad to be able to help a little has donated 50 €

418 days ago

Trish Phelan has donated 30 €

419 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10 €

419 days ago

Philippa Norris-Jones has donated 20 €

420 days ago

CUDECA Walkathon Non-Attendance Donations

This year we are once again holding our traditional "Cudeca Walkathon" on Saturday 3rd June on Benalmádena's promenade in front of the Sunset Beach Club Hotel.

This charity walk aims to raise funds for the care and support of people with cancer and other advanced illnesses, as well as offering support to their families.

As you know, our care is completely free of charge thanks to the support of the society through members, financial donations, donations or purchases in the charity shops; volunteering, etc.

You are unable to attend but would like to help
If you are unable to attend but would like to help us to continue caring at the end of life, please donate here.

Thank you very much!

Comments (12)

Hugo Investing is glad to be able to help a little has donated 50 €

Hugo Investing is glad to be able to help a little

418 days ago

Trish Phelan has donated 30 €

Well done girl’s proud to be your friend..

419 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10 €

In support of our friends & in memory of their beloved Gigi

420 days ago

Sue & Peter Joly has donated 50 €

En memoria de Gigi Castelle Joly

420 days ago

Gemmalaka has donated 50 €

Hacéis una labor increible.

420 days ago

Anónimo has donated 30 €

Gracias por la labor tan profesional y humana que hacéis

420 days ago

Xeperflo has donated 10 €

Sois geniales, dignificais la vida en todo su sentido.

421 days ago

Juno has donated 20 €

Siempre con CUDECA

421 days ago

Marta has donated 10 €

Ánimo a todos. La próxima estaré allí en persona espero.

421 days ago

Dark Knight has donated 30 €

Seguid así. Sois el ejemplo de superación y motivación que toda persona en este mundo debería seguir. Enhorabuena por vuestro trabajo.

423 days ago

Almalaqui has donated 50 €

Formáis un equipo maravilloso, donde ayudáis tanto a las personas enfermas como a sus familiares. Ánimo y que la Walkathon sea un éxito.

437 days ago

BSOFF has donated 500 €

Mucho ánimo, es una labor magnífica

442 days ago


1.082 € raised from the goal of 5.000 €

24 donors

Suzy has donated 20 €

417 days ago

Hugo Investing is glad to be able to help a little has donated 50 €

418 days ago

Trish Phelan has donated 30 €

419 days ago

Anónimo has donated 10 €

419 days ago

Philippa Norris-Jones has donated 20 €

420 days ago